China Cabinet
31 |
China Cabinet 32 |
- Height- 76 1/4"
- Depth- 16 1/4"
- Width- 41 1/4"
- Description-Nice mahogany china cabinet
with pierced top , bracket feet , and open glass top circa
1940s Sold
- Height- 79"
- Depth- 17"
- Width- 42"
- Description-Nice steeple top bow
front mahogany china cabinet with panel door base and open
glass top with pretty beaded trim circa 1940s
China Cabinet
33 |
China Cabinet 34 |
- Height-79 1/4"
- Depth-14 3/4"
- Width-55"
- Description-Mint clean beautiful Asian
breakfront china cabinet with heavy glass shelves , all hand
painted with lovely scenes across the front circa 1950s
- Height-74 1/4"
- Depth-20'
- Width-54"
- Description-Solid cherry arch door step back
hutch with bubble glass top signed Pennsylvania House circa
1950s $389.00
China Cabinet
35 |
China Cabinet 36 |
- Height-61 1/4"
- Depth-16 3/4"
- Width-41"
- Description-Signed Berkey and Gay light walnut mint
clean blind door china cabinet with red and blue bulls eyes
in the top , circa 1920s Sold
- Height-73"
- Depth-15"
- Width-37"
- Description-Nice walnut 2 door china cabinet
with Sheraton legs , panel door base, nice carved center ,
arch lattice work doors , broken arch top circa 1930s
China Cabinet
37 |
China Cabinet 38 |
- Height- 69"
- Depth- 15"
- Width- 49"
- Description-Another choice signed Drexel
mahogany bow front china cabinet with Greek key decorative
trim across the top, open glass top , panel door base circa
1940s Sold
- Height- 79 3/4"
- Depth- 16"
- Width- 50"
- Description- Beautiful red mahogany bow
front center china cabinet with pierced carved top ,beaded
trim , lattice work doors , and bracket feet with solid
brass hardware circa 1940s Sold
China Cabinet
39 |
China Cabinet 40 |
- Height- 70 1/2"
- Depth- 17"
- Width- 45 1/2"
- Description-Nice open glass top china
cabinet with serpentine front ,bracket feet and panel doors
with solid brass hardware circa 1940s
- Height- 75"
- Depth- 16"
- Width- 44"
- Description- Nice banded inlaid breakfront china
cabinet with arched lattice work doors ,heavily banded
inlaid base and urn inlaid top circa 1940s
China Cabinet 41 |
China Cabinet 42 |
- Height- 79 1/2"
- Depth- 14 1/2"
- Width- 55"
- Description-Mint clean beautiful Asian
breakfront china cabinet with heavy glass shelves , all hand
painted with lovely scenes across the front circa 1950s
- Height- 83"
- Depth- 22" top section 14 1/2"
- Width- 75 1/8"
- Description-Incredible oversized mint
clean solid oak two piece Country French step back open
hutch with blind door center , nicely carved with
French cabriole legs Sold
China Cabinet 43 |
China Cabinet 44 |
- Height-79"
- Depth- 16"
- Width- 45 3/4"
- Description-Mahogany bow front china
cabinet with fluted column sides with bracket feet, lattice
work door and broken arch top, with solid brass polished
pulls circa 1940s
- Height- 73"
- Depth- 17"
- Width- 52"
- Description-Nice deep red mahogany bow
front china cabinet with rope carved base, bracket feet ,
floral carved columns , open glass top with Greek key trim
across the top circa 1940s Sold


China Cabinet 45 |
China Cabinet 46 |
- Height-81"
- Depth-16"
- Width-67"
- Description-Beautiful flame
mahogany breakfront secretary desk / china cabinet with crown glass lattice
work doors in the center , the two outer doors have flat
glass, carved bow knots across the top with nice
fitted interior with leather top , and rope carved base
circa 1940s Sold
- Height-82"
- Depth-13 1/2"
- Width-62 1/2"
- Description-Very nice light
mahogany breakfront secretary desk / china cabinet with individual pane
glass doors , nice fitted interior and panel door sides
circa 1940s Sold


China Cabinet 47 |
China Cabinet 48 |
- Height-84"
- Depth-16"
- Width-72"
- Description-Fantastic choice
inlaid mahogany breakfront secretary desk / china cabinet with oval inlaid
doors in the base , urn inlaid center , and banded inlaid
throughout, with crown glass in the top and nice fitted
interior with leather top, circa 1940s
- Height-77"
- Depth-16"
- Width-60"
Description-Another mahogany
breakfront secretary desk / china cabinet with open glass top , stencil
painted doors , and nice fitted interior circa 1940s $689.00


China Cabinet 49 |
China Cabinet 50 |
- Height-82"
- Depth-15"
- Width-50"
- Description-Cute steeple top
mahogany breakfront secretary desk /china cabinet nice fitted interior ,
and Greek key molded trim across the center, and dental trim
across the top circa 1940s Sold
- Height-76"
- Depth-13 1/2"
- Width-46"
- Description-Interesting arch
door mahogany breakfront secretary desk / china cabinet with open bookcase
shelves, nice fitted interior and panel door base circa
1940s Sold


China Cabinet 51 |
China Cabinet 52 |
- Height-78 5/8"
- Depth-18 1/4"
- Width-60"
- Description-Nice mahogany
breakfront secretary desk / china cabinet with built in fitted interior
,diamond shape lattice work doors panel door base circa
1940s Sold
- Height-82 3/8"
- Depth-18 1/4"
- Width-60"
- Description-Very Handsome
mahogany breakfront secretary desk / china cabinet with red leather top
fitted interior , oval lattice work doors fitted with
crown or bubble glass, panel door base with rope carved trim
circa 1940s Sold


China Cabinet 53 |
China Cabinet 54 |
- Height-89 3/8"
- Depth-19 1/4"
- Width-91 1/2"
- Description-Choice oversized 2
piece breakfront signed Kittinger with super sleek
finish with open bookcase top , and panel base when open
reveals a storage compartment with one shelf. Circa 1960s
Original price on this was $18,000 when it was sold new.
- Height-79"
- Depth-16"
- Width-56 3/4"
- Description-Handsome mahogany
breakfront secretary desk / china cabinet with leather top fitted interior ,
diamond lattice work doors , panel base circa 1940s

China Cabinet 55 |
China Cabinet 56 |
- Height-80"
- Depth-16"
- Width-58'
- Description-Choice flame
mahogany breakfront secretary desk with large oval lattice
work doors , heavy glass shelves, leather fitted interior
panel door base circa 1940s Sold
- Height-84"
- Depth-16"
- Width-46"
- Description-Dark mahogany bow
front china cabinet with broken arch pediment top , bracket
feet , and lattice work center door circa 1940s
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